Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday’s A Go.....

A new person for our family looks out at her new world. We don’t have word as to what her name is but we should know soon. She was born on May Day evening and is in to her third day now. I heard that she is going to be home today.

ELLA MARIE is our granddaughter’s name.  It is a pretty name for a pretty little girl.

We will have a second day without rain.  It is Egood but we sure could use some warmer temperatures. The sun warmed us up in the afternoon only when one was standing in the sunshine, t he temps were still cold.
I had a good conference meeting with my carpenter boss this morning.  I opened the shades while having breakfast and there he was.  He was establishing the schedule for the electrician and the people who will do the drywall work.  He installs he heating/cooling unit while the electrician is here.  Monday and Tuesday are appointed days and then we will see when the carpet people will come.  It has been a whirlwind experience but our end results in appearance is wonderful.  The back of our house was ugly and it isn’t anymore.

A neighbor up the street has been down twice to visit with our installation guy.  The want to put one on their house now.

It is a small space but it will be nice to have for a grill and a small round table with chairs.

The bleeding heart is at its peak bloom time. I have to get a new photo of the bluebells as they are now also in full bloom.

I didn’t succeed in mowing at the old place a few days ago. It was too cold and too wet.  I am assuming that the sunshine will have it dried off today and I can get the job done this morning.  We have had a week of marvelous things happening with new granddaughter being born and people invade our home space for the whole week.  The day that the shingling was going on that we almost went bonkers.

It is Friday and I hope all are doing well.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Your little granddaughter is precious!!! Congrats to all of you.

    Wow, can hardly believe your new room is almost done! It is fantastic.

    Enjoy and have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. Congratulations! Ellie Marie is sure a cutie!

  3. What a pretty name your new Grand has! Your project will be wonderful when it is done, you will probably live in that room:)

  4. Such a beautiful baby girl and I love her name.

  5. p.s. Larry's granddaughter is named Ella, also.
