Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sunday”s Shots.....

The robins have a nest in the blue spruce.  I had witness birds bring in long strands of things to use for their making of a nest. While mowing the yard I couldn’t  miss seeing the robin’s egg in robin’s egg blue.

A new planting of chive is doing well this spring with flower buds already developing.  The one lone globe allium is projecting tall. I had a long working session with the mowing yesterday.  I had partially mowed some of it but I was avoiding workman’s piles of things.  Mowing was serious with very tall and thick grass. I had to walk slowly behind the mower as it chopped its way through.

My neighbor to the southeast finished his two new gates and then he too proceeded to chop up his grass.  It had never been mowed so it took him a while.  His dark brown lab has the best time following him with the mower.  The dog is now fenced in to the backyard and he still runs quickly in curlers around the back. The kids were out in the play house for a while and the lab would run all around and then jump into the door to visit them in their playhouse.

The geranium is putting out a few blooms. It eventually will be covered with them in late spring. I like the foliage of this plant.

The neighboring vine of the geranium is also putting out a few blooms. The variegated leaf reminds me of some houseplant vines.

I have a goal post under my new deck.It supports the area above where the fireplace bump out sits. You can support your deck floor to a bumped out section of a house. I am thinking it looks like a good place to put a potting bench. The whole area under the new deck is a problem area yet to be solved.

I am moving the storage shed out of there soon. The deck gives it a good partial shade area.  I am thinking it would be a good fern room but I don’t know enough about ferns to be certain.  I guess I can just experiment. The whole area with a big verandah and the shaded deck space have to be decided as time goes by.

The rains are helpful with the asparagus. The former owners must have loved the vegetable as we have lots of plantings of it. I picked this batch on the south side of the house.  I didn’t get to pick the other bed yet but it will have to be done today.  It gets tall so quickly if it doesn’t get snapped off soon enough.

It is a rainy day here again today.  We are cold now but we are promised to have some hot days ahead of us.  When it gets hot it probably be our turning point into summer.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Things look really nice in your yard.
    My asparagus just finished. By the time the few weeks harvest ends we're rather sick of it! At first it's a delicacy, but daily asparagus gets a bit much! My bed came with the house too.

  2. The robin's egg is such a pretty color. I enjoyed seeing your chives, asparagus and geraniums. Such a nice area under your new deck. We have rain today too. We hope it will help the grass seed J planted.

  3. Enjoy that asparagus! I am certain you will come up with a good design for your veranda:) You could cover those posts with siding:)
