Saturday, May 11, 2019


It is a winter/summer battle with the temperatures. The snow blower and mower are sharing the garage with potting soil and a garden hose. With workman here from three different trades I was able to clean my garage as I had to park my truck and car in the street for some of them.

The drywall people returned yesterday to put on the trim on our wall.  The needed to walk through the garage and our kitchen to get to sunroom.  I could have made them walk outside and up our 15 stair steps onto the deck to get to the place but it seemed easier to have them walk through the garage and kitchen.

They matched the golden oak that we have though out the house.  I was glad that it was refinished so I didn’t get stuck sealing the wood. I do have to do the finish on the oak beam. We are now done with workmen coming to the house to work.  We have carpet layers coming next Friday and then it will all be done.

Our one neighbor had fencing around his back yard but it was never finished between the house and fence.  The dog would go back there but we have watched him wander all over the others’s yards.   The past few days the guy has been digging holes and planting poles.  The story about this is not unusual but it is when you see the dog, a three year old girl, and a one and a half year old boy helping him.  He is good with his kids and they all seem to like watching him work. They get real close and are actually in the way most of the tie. Yesterday the two kids were climbing in and our of the openings in the gate while he was getting wood cut to put on the gate. The photo would be cuter if I took with all those involved but I can’t do that. You just have to use your imagination.  We have watched the little boy as a baby to now walking around all over in the back yard.

I did get my seeds planted yesterday and the lilies are in the ground.  We had a shower in the night so that will help things to grow.  I was surprised to find about of one dozen seeds inside of the package of six different kinds of lettuce.  I am interested if the treated seeds are actually multiple in those little pellets.  I mowed the front yard yesterday because the guy to the north mowed his.  So after I mowed my the guy south of me mowed his. It is like a domino effect as everyone is trying to keep up with each other.

We are off and about today.  I hope everyone is well.  Thanks for stopping in at my blog today.


  1. The drywall and trim looks very nice. The carpet will go in quickly and then the fun can begin! Hope you have good success with the lettuce seeds. Funny about the domino effect with cutting grass. We only have 5 neighbors, but the same thing happens here.

  2. Your sunroom looks great! That bean will have your shoulder sore unless you use a long pole...better do it before the carpet comes:)
