Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Day’s Worth........

The first blooms of the knock out roses were out yesterday.  I forgot how pretty the red flowers really were.  I timed the dead stems off a couple of months ago and the shrubs have been budded all over.

 Our one shared rabbit of their area of the neighborhood was out last evening checking out the things that are growing.

The blue spruce is really sending out a lot of new  sprouts.  I am sure all the rains have helped with this growth.

The one hybrid iris that I have is white.  The blooms all came out at the same time and seem to be opening up pretty much at the same time.  The flowers are so big.

The red twig dogwood is blooming right now.  The birds really like the berries once they have developed.

This is a closer view of the white hybrid iris.  This plant came from the neighbor’s house up at Woodward.  I have some new iris blooming that I need to photograph this afternoon.  It will be warm out there but I will be out there soon.   Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. It's been years since we had red roses in the yard. Yours are so beautiful! Love the red twig dogwood blooms and those big white irises. That is a healthy looking rabbit! Have a good evening.
