Saturday, May 25, 2019

Saturday’s Stuff.......

His face is obstructed but I got most of his body in the photo. The sparrows seem to be the most to hit this feeder right now.

Spilled seed is welcomed by the birds as they help to clean up the mess.

Marigolds are still in the box waiting for the ground to dry out a bit. I bought them on Friday but it has been a busy time for me.  It won’t take long to get them into the ground so maybe today it might happen. 

I had waited for the stain to dry before I put on a coat of varithane finish.  All looked good but nothing was drying.  I had placed them into the downstairs bathroom, turned up the electric heater, and shut the door. It helped but putting them out into the sunshine did the trick.  It warmed the wood and the varnish did dry. I could finally sand down lightly everything and get another coat of varithane on them.

The second coat did make them shine. The finish is looking good but I am not so sure they work well in the sunroom now.

The top of the one looks really good but the other one is not so nice to see.  I am going to rework the top of it until I get it right. This is made of strips of wood that have been glued together causing it to have this interesting pattern. 

We are having a warm day today.  I have some things I want to do in the backyard but I may reconsider that when it being so hot. We were off to the bookstore early today and now we are home. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I like the tables very much. It is hot here too and we are trying to stain the back deck. Waiting now for the deck to be out of the hot sun. Hope you both enjoyed your outing to the bookstore.

  2. I like your tables! Not very often the tops are need some fancy doilies:)
