Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Things for Tuesday.....

The afternoon yesterday looks just like today except it is warmer today. We did have rain for most of the morning but it is now looking better.

The sky after the rain does look the same. Clouds are thinning out with it warming up.   The heat will help to make things grow better.
The iris is getting closer to being in bloom. The globe allium are still not quite in full bloom.  The grass seems to be growing quickly as it seems to be time to mow it already.
I put three coats of paste wax on the sunroom beam.  It was a slow process but as the wax built up the coating of it became simpler.  It is solid oak and not a veneer form.  It really did finish up nicely as I hand rubbed it with cloth giving is a nice shine. I discoverrd as I was working up there that the whole interior of the room needs to be washed.  As they put it together in the rain they left mud smudges everywhere.  Some places are subtle but the place deeds to have a scrubbing.  We haven’t address cleaning the windows yet as the carpet people are yet to arrive.  They will be doing a job in a neighboring town and then we will have a carpet put down. A building inspector is checking in on Wednesday to see if all the parts are in the right place.

My bleeding heart is doing well down in the front yard.  I am amazed as to how long they bloom. It is also fascinating to see those stems get straighter and longer as it holds the individual flowers.

I am awaiting for my radish and lettuce seeds to come up.  Nothing is happening so far. The neighbor quietly put in five tomato plants a couple of days ago.  I guess it is the cue that I could get some put in the ground now.  They had milk cartons covering them which helps them put up with cold and rabbits.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I know that was difficult working above your head on the beam. It's very nice. We are due for warmer weather too. I hope our lantana plants really take off. Best wishes with your seeds. I do love the bleeding heart plants.

  2. Your beam looks great! Lots of hard work! You really have nice blooms there! :)
