Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Middle of the Week.....

The fern leaf peony is blooming here at the new place for a second year.  I have three strong buds and three or more that will never become strong buds.  I get a feeling that it is planted in the wrong place or that it just doesn’t like the clay soil.  I may bring another and plant it some where with some of my good Iowa black dirt from the old place.

I have a regular peony next to this and it too is really struggling. An old fashion rose bush is still alive but it too doesn’t like where I had planted it.

The hosta that I planted last spring really is looking strong.  I did give it some good soil in the hole before I planted it.  I think it looks very natural there and it is better than just rocks. I think a larger specimen is going to be perfect as it grows bigger through the season.

We had a building inspector at the house this morning doing a routine run through.  When I say run, I mean it, as it was here long enough to check to see if the electric plugs all worked and then down stairs to see where all the support posts were place. In the long run one can’t see if the wiring was done correctly and if the place was tied into the main structure well. The guy showed up in a city t-shirt and shorts knowing that we are going to get hot today.
Roses are not always red.  These are a pretty deep pink color and they do have a little bit of fragrance.  I moved a rose bush out of the way so the carpenter would not walk all over it.  I see it is planted too close to a hosta, now the hosta has come up.  I do think the jack in the pulpit got tramped down but I am sure it isn’t dead.  It will come back next year. I have a whole new set of areas that could be flower gardens and shuts but I seem to busy to even think about it.

I figured out how to  use a piece of wood to help get the clamp attached to the new railing.  I have a double duty of feeders there and they are coming to the feeders.  This is the second day for it to be there and it is becoming busy with many birds.

We are moving into a hotter season now with tomorrow predicted to be in the higher 80s. I am thinking I need to get the tomato plants into the ground and maybe today is the day. I would have to go to the store for plants though.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Thanks for sharing the fern leaf peony with us. I hope you are able to purchase your tomato plants. They will enjoy the hotter temps. It's nice to see the birds enjoying the feeder, too!

  2. Beautiful peony and I really like the color of your roses too:)
