Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Trying Tuesdays.........

The vine next to the step is blooming.  It will bloom continually until it gets too hot.  Then the vine keeps on being variegated green.  It is sort of invasive but that really is a sign of a good vine. I have planted English ivy and it can sit still and not grow for a few years before it takes off. The foliage next to that is a true geranium plant.  It is far different than a hardy geranium.

I had vinca at the old place and I think this was moved here with a hosta transplant. They also will not bloom once it gets hot.
I removed some of the wild flowers from this area and everything seems to stay at a better height.  I will get petunias in there but they don’t do well as the soil is so full of clay. The creeping phlox as really lasted a longer time this spring.

The electricians were here for most of the day yesterday.  The fan went up late afternoon.  They put in two switches on the wall so the light and fan have there own controls. The oak beam looks better.  I didn’t check to see if they installed the correct color of blade.  The blades were pinched with two different treatments which help to match the kind of wood that one would want. One guy just shared that the other side of the blade is a dark cherry.

Our neighbors to the northwest planted some of their raised beds yesterday. The woman had knee surgery so she was all giving the directions to her husband, every move,  in the planting of cucumbers.  I am glade I don’t have to have some one dictate my planting of my garden.

So seeing and talking with them about their garden I went home and potato forked my soil.  The former owner brought in black dirt for the raised garden.

The chive survives.  I have another herb to the right and I see it is sprouting out from dead sticks.  It is too cold for now to plant tomatoes.  I do think I will find a space for lettuce and radishes in there.

My tomatoes were not heavy bearing last season.  I hope that it is better this year. I didn’t start tomato plants in March so I will buy them at the green house next to our grocery store. May 15th is our last day of frost scare.

We have a dry wall man here today.  He said there would be two but that doesn’t alway happen.  The second guy starts on another job.

This is the project of the day for the now two guys that are here applying dry wall. This is the before shot.  With this job comes more tools with different kinds of sounds.  Even though the doors are shut to the sunroom, I can se we will have the dust seep into the house.

It seems to be a long blog already.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I have the same Vinca plant, and each year it graces us with prolific blooms of soft blue, yours is so pretty !
    I love your new addition, it will extend your time outside, and I just know you'll enjoy it so much.
    Hope you are having a great week Larry...

  2. We brought a little of the Vinca Vine from our other house - we planted it in an area where we don't care how much it spreads. I am amazed how well your sunroom project is coming along. I'm afraid dust gets in the rest of the house no matter how hard they try. We are going thru that now too. That is funny about your neighbor bossing her husband as he plants the garden!
