Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Middle of the Week Wandering.....

It is time for rhubarb cobbler. The plants are shooting up seed stalks already which I will pull soon.  The temporary display of wagon wheels seem to fit in there rather well. We are getting a good steady rain that will help make the rhubarb to grow much larger.

This iris has many buds on it.  It looks like it will be the first to bloom. I should remember which color it will be but I don’t. The dark color of a bud doesn’t really mean much when they finally open into a different color than expected.

A blurry shot of the globe allium which is partially open. The shot does show the nice color that is a part of the bloom.  I have these planted in four different areas and this one seems to be the first to open.

This looks like a lineup.  I know that in a few years there will be many more of these growing in a bunch as they do spread. Those who are not familiar with allium, it is in the onion family but does survive winter freezes. It actually has a onion or chive smell when you cut off a flower.  They don’t like being cut for a vase as it just shrivels up.

These peony tulips have really lasted a long time.  They have deepened in color and the heads seem to be fuller. The creeping phlox is about done now.  The color still looks good on them but a closer look shows the flowers failing.

The  work on the drywall continues this morning.  The workman its going to spray on the final surface and imprint it with an orange peel texture. We get to paint it tomorrow and then there will be golden oak trim boards install for the final treatment. The final crack between the wall and the sunroom will be caulked shut by me.

It has stopped raining for now.  We have some errands to run today but that will wait until after the workman goes away. The cold air is being blamed for our rain that we are getting today. It will be cold and damp most of the day.  We have three places to go today and we discovered that the Sherwin Williams paint store is directly across the street from the Krispy Kreme donut store.  Need I say more that we have one more stop to do today.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your flower beds are so pretty. How convenient about the paint store being across from the doughnut shop!!! Enjoy!

  2. Hope you enjoyed the doughnuts! Your sun room is looking great! It will be finished before you know it! Pretty flowers thanks for sharing them:)
