Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tuesday’s Here.......

The rains are continual.  We do get a break long enough to mow the grass and then it rains again. I didn’t mow on Memorial Day but I should have. My neighbor to the northwest mowed at about four in the afternoon.

A work in progress is the creating of a raised bed in this one side of the garden.  I am so tired of the grass growing into the area so I will be blocking it. The photo shows me laying it out just to get and idea of what it will look like. I was short one board so I went back to the Menards this morning to get the board. It is so frustrating to go there on some days. I did finally find some one by fours that I needed being secured in a shed away from all the other treated lumber.  It was on a second floor balcony.  They people I had to go back and ask about it said there would be someone there to help me. Not really though as the signs brag that it is a completely self service area.  The one guy that I saw was fleeing the area with a loader to go somewhere else.

I keep forgetting to share this plant that I have in the front yard.  I inherited it and it really is a good plant with lots of good color. We have yet to put petunias in the blank spots of they front raised bed. I will be mowing out there very soon.

My neighbor and his dad and brother helped get all the support boards on to the new fence.  They worked all day on that project.

When they get the fence done the white iris will have a great back drop to help show it off. The new fence will give them more privacy as the wire fence did not. I think they will have a great place for their dog and two kids to play.

I am trying to get caught up on some work here at the house.  I keep dodging rain daily.  It thrudered and lightening this morning before we got up.  It rained probably twenty minutes and we are almost dried off from it.  We  are predicted to have severe storms this evening.  We are just going to be wet for along time.

I hope all are well out there today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I pray you will not have real severe weather tonight. The neighbor's fence will be a great backdrop for your flowers. I like your raised bed. We get frustrated too when we go to the garden center/hardware, etc. - no one is ever there to help you despite what they tell you.

  2. Hope you escape the tornados that are all over the midwest... Your Iris are lovely! I may mow the first time tomorrow:)
