Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Middle of the Week......

Hardy geraniums

Some people call them pinks.

My initial start had me frustrated as the first square is not square with the world.  Yesterday I returned and straightened it  closer to the world.

I had nothing to measure against to make a comparison with anything else that was not straight. A giant t-square could have been used it it would reach the fence behind this.
By the end of the day, I did get it an eyeballing straight with the world. The bird feeder is not straight with the world so looking down on it makes it look more off. Anyway, today I went out and lined them both up with each other and I have put posts on the corners.  I have it all done now which I will show a photo of it tomorrow. I worked all morning to finish it and now I need to buy dirt.

This afternoon I mowed grass that was way too long.  It looks like a mess but I didn’t have the energy to bag it.  I may have to mow it again in a couple of days just to pick up the dead grass. By the way, it did sprinkle on me while I was mowing this afternoon.  I had waited most to the day see the grass was dry enough and then it started to sprinkle on it.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. The iris, geraniums, pinks and rose are so pretty. Your boxes look good to me. I hope going to buy the dirt goes smoothly tomorrow. I know most places don't make it easy!!!
    We are losing the battle with keeping our new grass alive in this extreme heat. No rain in sight.
    I wish you two a pleasant night.
