Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Warmed Up Today,,,,It Is About Time.....

Male and female goldfinch birds at the thistle feeder. They were flitting through the day before but I never caught any of the I’m my viewfinder.

Another project that is in the works. They are old tables that I bought at an auction forty years ago.  I sanded off he dark stain that was on them to find a wood that may be poplar. It isn’t a great wood but in the old days they used it and covered it up with a very dark red black stain.  I have gone to the hardware to buy a finish for them twice.  I bought a clear Varnish but now I thing I want to put a light stain on them to help even out some of grain.  If it doesn’t work out they can go back into the basement to be uses for plant stands. Each has a drawer in which I bought white porcelain knobs.

I was busy mowing at the old place today and now I need to mow at the new place.  I am going to rest for a while before that happens.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Pretty photo of the goldfinches. Karen reported that she saw a goldfinch today! I like those tables. I hope you will be happy with the finish; they will be very handy in your sunroom. We are in the high 90's today.
