Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday’s Things.......

The spirea bushes at the old house are really beautiful right now.  There were many of them there before I bought the place forty forty three years ago. They are an old fashion shrub.

The iris garden has three new varieties blooming right now.  I tried to take photos and the sun was to bright from my automatic camera. The one on the left just open up this morning with two blooms.  I was mowing in the back yard and was surprised to see three new varieties were blooming.

It is fuzzy, buzzy blurred but the color is good on the  photo. I will try again in low light to get a close up of true blooms.

I moved it to the new place and it is acting the same way as at the old place. The buds on the stems lay on the ground. It is a grayed pink color with the blueish accent on each of the falls. I will stake them the next time I am out there.

This white one is really healthy. Once I get photos of everything that has bloomed I will now know what I can look for in new varieties. They had an iris show in our town last week but I wasn’t able to go to it.  I know some colors that I wished that I had again.

I have my projects all going now and will have finished the tables in a couple of days.  I am waiting for stain to dry before I start to put the final coats  of varnish on them. I had to sweep out the garage this morning from all the dust I had created while sanding the tables down.

Our early morning in the sun room showed a clear sky with the bright sun in the sky.  Wishing a twenty minute period this is what happened. It just moves around a lot today with partial sun and then bright sun.  I did get my mowing done today, waiting now for it all to have to be done again. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Hi Larry, while I'm sure that the blooms you rote about are lovely, the photos did not display with the text, just thought you would want to know.

  2. Wow! The clouds are awesome.
    Your flowers are all so pretty. The pink with blue is very unique. So happy you are enjoying your new sunroom. Those tables will be a nice addition.

  3. I love iris. Mine are just about over. Their season is so short. I love seeing your goose!

  4. Your Iris are beautiful as is that Spirea!! :)
