Friday, June 14, 2019

It’s Friday....

The young sparrows are out of the nest.  They have learned how to get free food already.  I have seen the house finch have lots of young ones out there.  I also shared the three robins that were chasing one an other in the yard. I also saw young cowbirds following their parents around in the yard. The first round of birds are done. I did see a goldfinch at the feeder but there is no photo proof of that.

I was out looking for some more seed for the garden.  The new seed from the two zinnia packed really did not do well.  I went to the grocery stores garden center and they had taken their seed packs away.  It tends to be closed down by the fourth of July.  Things were on sale and I bought a yellow rose.  I also picked up a red clematis and a yellow columbine.  I hope all of them survive.

The peony bouquet is highlighted by the setting sun last evening. It looks good on my old oak table. We bought some chairs to go with the table which I had to assemble.  The job was a little bit difficult but they looks good.

A Minnesota woman that was a friend of ours gave,e me a bag of driftwood.  I painted this lighthouse  scene  using the natural wood to look like the edge of the lake. Marilyn is gone now but I do have memories of her with her collected wood.  I am thinking I might have moved that bag of driftwood to the new place, but then again I may not have. I know where it would be if I had done so in a basket under the workbench. It is no man’s land under there but I can dig it all out to see.

Thanks for stopping by today.