Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thursday’s a Good Day....

I bought my first rose bush called William Baffin years ago in Grand Marais, Minnesota.  It was such a great bloomer and I never dreamed that I would able to buy another in my new home town. I need to get a trellis made for it as it is a climber. It doing well in the clay soil on the southeast side of the house.  Just like the one at the old place it seems to like the heat.

Last year’s purchase of this dianthus proved to be a short variety.  It sure was not short though as this year it grew to be a foot high.  I is of the carnation family and its height is like that.

It is proving to be a great perennial. I do think I have to trim it back to get a second blooming from it. You can see in the background the tropical canna plant I just bought.  It was tall and will be taller if I keep it watered.

The “knock out” roses are doing so well.  I am going to be busy trimming back all the dead blooms.  There are more flowers on the three roses than I have ever seen before.

I shared this on my other blog yesterday.  The color of the delphinium is really great.  I bought this at Walmart and it is really in good shape.  The move from the pot to the ground really did not jolt it. The place that I planted it is where nothing is in bloom.  I cut all the iris stems away and I wait for the coneflowers to start blooming.  The hollyhocks will bloom soon.

It is a strange photo when you snap it inside a glass house. The neighbor’s lights on his fence post show up clearly but the reflection of what is behind me shows up. The window of the kitchen shows up twice.

A busy day ahead with many things to do.  I mowed yesterday and trimmed out sucker plants in the gardens at the old place.  They will never look good as I am not there to maintain them daily.  I at least won’t have trees growing out of places.  I brought back some more iris starts and a single daylily that was growing out under a tree.

I hope everyone has a great day.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I have never tried to grow roses, and not sure why. Cause I really like them. I love the color of the dianthus...

  2. Your Dianthus is beautiful!! I see you have the shorter variety of Delphinium...there used to be one in a Series called Summer something Blues I think. They should rebloom is you clip off the spent blooms...I likes it as a Perennial because of the color and it's height:)
