Saturday, June 8, 2019

Saturday’s Share....

The roses in the front planter continue to amaze me.  I kept thinking they can’t have any more blooms but this morning there were more.  The deeper red are the newest blooms.

As it dry from lack of rain, I will have to start watering the rosebushes.

The new raised bed garden was diving me crazy as I could see it wasn’t square.  I finally measured out eight feet out from the back fence in three places.  I put stakes there and played the two by four up against them.  I now had some thing square to measure for good right angles. I nailed a board straight out from the board to get a giant T-square. The whole double set of frames were off by seven or eight inches at one end.  Again there really wasn’t any way to compare something straight in the area, I could just tell that I screwed it up badly.  I removed each square completely and braced them all into square frames.

I had to dig out two wheel barrows full of dirt and grass to get ta straight ditch on the left side.  Then one by one I put them  back down.  My wife help me put in the first frame which was a big help. I don’t know that I mentions all of these dirt spaces had already been planted. I removed a whole row of tomatoes on the right back side and they are now planted outside of the back box.  It is all going to work.
I removed the cross pieces and put in posts at each corner to keep things from moving around in time. The corner pieces also helped to hold the fames together firmly.  Now I have to get a little more dirt to replace the amount that I lost in the switch and square.  I had boards applied to the top edge of the boards and I do’t have that done yet.

I snuck a photo of the neighbors new dog. Molly is an Australian Cattle Dog.  I have petted her once and she is really a sweet dog. She is at the far edge of their property and I had to zoom in to catcher in my lens.

Ir seems to be a milder day today but it is still somewhat warm.  I may go out a work later to day.  My young neighbor guy is out working on his fence and also now a new patio to be woken on too.  Thank you for stopping by today. for a visit.


  1. The roses and hostas are a pretty combo. Molly is a cute doggie. You two did a good job on the beds. That's been a tough job. We need to purchase soil to place in one of our new beds, also. I always dread that as the store employees are not much help! lol
    We still have rain and thunder, highs in the mid 70's. Very nice for a change.
    Hope you both are not sore from working in the yard.

  2. Lots of work! Hope you rest after this:)

  3. My, what a lot of work adjusting the raised beds! You'd be nuts seeing mine, not a straight line to be seen! Or, as my mother used to say, "crooked as a dog's hind leg."
    Heelers (cattle dogs) are nice dogs, but not for beginners, they are second in smarts only to Border collies. Your Barney was probably smart!
