Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sunny Sunday......

The grass is growing and I need to mow it again.  The rains have slowed down so things are a little better. It won’t happen until Monday afternoon.

The tomato plants are loving the heat.  The seem to grow through the night as they double in size in two days.  I have three different tomato plants with blooms. I plant purple basil in with the tomatoes but I don’t really think that it affects the tomatoes.  It just seems they recommend it.

I don’t own any fences.  The neighbors at the east and south both own the fence around my yard.  I don’t have a fence to the north because a neighbor and his wife have strange ideas about properties.  They built their house first and they adamantly did not want a walk out basement.  I am told they trucked in a lot of dirt to build up their back yard to a basement window height. That messes up my yard as their yard has the difference of height of two or three feet. It is crowned or rounded down to meet my level yard. I guess I could put in a wall there instead.

His yard now is facing a new wooden fence from the young guy next door. He isn’t done with it but he did get all but one section done. The new wood makes the old wood in my back yard look really old and weathered.  The one we see must have been put in 13 years ago and it wasn’t made of good fencing material.  The new fence over there will be trimmed with a scalloped top line.  It will look really nice. When he is finished I will share photos.  He did replace a black wire fence.

It was crazy to tear these raised bed boards out and replace them again.  I am glad I did though and I pulled it off with out disturbing the planted beds. You can see the gladiolas coming up at the far end. I am just pleased that I got the squared properly.

The sunroom has a new shelf.  The displays and pictures are works in progress.  We live with the things we put out and then keep moving them around until we thing they look good.  I have an artwork that I am going to hang under the shelf to fill that space but it hasn’t happened yet. The window on the far right looks like and oversized picture but it is our view out from the kitchen sink.

It is Sunday and we will be off soon to our church.  We heard there is a remembrance today for certain people to eat cheesecake.  I think we can find a couple of different places to eat where they sell cheesecake. It will be fun.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Wow your tomatoes are looking good! :)

  2. I grew up in California, and have lived in Oregon for 8 years. Everyone has fences! I know there are parts of the country where they are not the norm, but I don't understand that! How does one keep his or her dogs from wandering away?

  3. Hope it won't be too hot when you cut the grass Monday. Your planting beds look good now. Glad you tomatoes are doing so well. That's a great shelf and art work in the new sunroom.
    We don't own a fence either but there is one right on the property line with our one neighbor. It is dull, faded and in need of repair.
    Since John was certified by the State in Erosion Control, we am surprised your neighbor was allowed to bring in dirt that forces water over to your lot. I know that was done a long time ago, and there's no recourse for you now but to build a wall of some sort.
    Cheesecake sounds very tasty!
