Friday, November 8, 2019

A Journey through Israel.....

Two men recreating the time of Abraham, stand in from to the tents of hospitality.  We ate a meal of authentic food and good times. The guy who played Abraham was originally from Michigan and then lived a few years in Des Moines.  He was glad to see our group as most of us were from Iowa and he now lived on top of the hills with a few other families. They have their own schools and raise livestock including camels.  The Abraham banquets support their way of living and they have tours coming to them during the warmer days of the year.

While traveling north to Jerusalem our tour stopped to visit this hilly area. The roads wind around until the reach the tops of the hills where people have made their homes.

I have a few thousand photos of Israel with many areas of historic places. The entire nation is 70 years old established by the United Nations.  Restoring the Jews back to a country that was where they originally lived a few thousand years ago. The history and archeology shows the many towns of where they originally lived back when Jesus and the disciples did walk. I will try to share the best of the bunch and the explanation of its special county. We are tired from being on planes for most of one day.


  1. I am thrilled to learn of your visit and look forward to your photos. God bless you.

  2. Wow what a trip! So glad that you could go on an adventure!~ Here I figured you went to Maine and you made it half way around the world! Looking forward to all your photos! :)

  3. OMG! So THAT is where you have been. Cheryl and I can't wait to see your 1000+ Pics. ( Not all at once, mind you.) Goodness, Israel! What a trip...
