Saturday, November 9, 2019

King David's Homeplace......

I am working backward on the photos from our trip.  Things that I learned as we visited Jerusalem was ruins are everywhere on Mount Moriah and they were preserved by building on top of them.  For example, Kind David, the one who slayed Goliath, build a palace on the edge of the mountain. His palace is beyond two thousand years old. As the city developed they built on top of the ruins of the past. This example shows that they built the building above it and it is all on pillars or stilts leaving the old buildings untouched. A large multi story building is sitting at the same location. As we walked about we took a stairs and down we were in a historic place of foundations and partial walls.

For the many years of history, the archeologists restructured and preserved the area.  Rooms could be identified as their use and baths and storage area were identified.  The use of large stones for their choice of material really mad them permanent even stores of the walls could be removed and reused in other buildings above.

Many floor mosaics were discovered and can be seen as one walks around the ruins. The tiny tiles ae all in tack helping to show the artworks made during their construction.

Having been a potter in my past I was very interested in seeing the examples of the pots that they did find.

I really overwhelmed with the number of photos that I have and it will take weeks before I get everything processed. I will share more from our visit but I know that things can get too much and will blog on other things too.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. You should share many many photos as most of us will never have the chance to go there!

  2. While I may not leave comments on all the posts from your adventures, Larry, I will be reading them and sharing along on the trip.
