Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Middle of the Week.....

Travel buddies for ten days.  We were told to take a change of clothes with us in case the luggage gets lost. Cameras and personal items plus snacks keep us moving along.  Water bottles or coke were necessary and even with all that we drank we still got dehydrated. These bags have traveled the entire tour from southern Israel to the far north part of the country. I never ever carried a backpack before but I had a purse for the entire time we traveled.

Taking a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee was a very memorable voyage. The sun did set while we were out.  Tiberius was on the western shore and En Giv was on the opposite side. It is a beautiful area even though it is an arid climate.

The sun sets and the evening is cool. The ride on the boat is smooth. Our young minister gave a sermon in the middle of the voyage.  Later, I teased him, asking him when was the last time he spoke in the middle of the Sea of Galilee? He smiled and said, never.

My first cousin Janet ,just called sharing that her husband had died in his sleep yesterday. He had been ill for a couple of years and he had been in a nursing home. She brought him home for his last days.  He was not very old compared to me. He had been my neighbor boy when I was young back on the  southern Iowa home farm.  They live in the White Sand Dunes area in New Mexico. He served in the Air Force there when he was younger.  Janet is my youngest first cousin on the one side of the family. She is going to have a summer funeral service for him back in Iowa.

I need to shovel walks at the old place but I am not doing so for a couple of reasons.  It is extremely cold.  It also is going to start snowing again by noon.  I will have 24 hours to clear it after it stops snowing.  I have all of my photos edited from my cell phone.   I now need to selectively edit the over one thousand shots from my camera.  I am slowing down with it all and will pick the prefect photo first.  We both are still dealing with jet lag, or a virus caught from someone or more on the plane full of hundreds of people. We are stronger today and did sleep through for the first time.  The nine hours difference still effect our sleep as we want to wake up at three in the morning.

The cats were everywhere living along beside tourists and residences.  This on was in the ruins area of Kind David's palace. Some let you pet them and others love to just claw you.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Yes very important to have an extra set of underwear and medications that was I carried in my camera case:) Your photos are great the Sea is beautiful! What a great adventure you had hope you get some rest now! My sympathy on the loss of your boyhood friend and relative.

  2. My sympathy in the loss of your cousin's husband.
    How wonderful to hear a sermon on the Sea. I pray you two feel better soon.
