Thursday, November 14, 2019

Strong Walls and Floors....

We use brick and concrete to help make our structures last for a long time. In Israel they build with thick heavy stone. This is a floor that has worn away after two thousand or more years.

The Temple Mount are still there as the rocks are worn from thousands of years of use. I don't know the actually thickness of the stone but when they cut them for walls they were easily a foot thick.

Walls of ruins show how thick the stone was when they built the structure.  The material between the stones is what would wear away from years of weathering.

The western walls remain as a foundation of the Temple Mount. You can not destroy the structure even though evidence is shown where the Romans tried to destroy it with there spears.

We are still having trouble with that large time change both time and location on the earth.  I feel stronger today but I still have to adjust to the waking up way too early in the morning.  The nine to ten hour gap is a larger one that just changing back from daylight savings time.

Thanks for stopping by today.