Monday, November 11, 2019

Monday's A Given.....

The sun shines in spite of the 18 degree F. temperatures. I just shoveled a meager path on my sidewalk as I am not ready to use my snow blower. Maybe later as the day goes on I can clear my driveway.  I am still experiencing jet lag and really don't feel well. The cold air does wake me up as I was just living a different warm climate zone.

Seeing this was a shock even though I knew it was coming.  We left Iowa with a thin layer of snow and now we have this. I did notice as I scooped the front sidewalks that it is melting under the snow as the ground is still warm. The winds do keep blowing it all around.

This Thanksgiving cactus was in full bloom when we got home. It had been in bud for a month or so but I didn't expect it to just bloom. It had been kept dry from neglect but that does help them to bloom.

I had filled the feeder right before we left and it apparently was not bothered too much. The sparrows and the juncos are eating at it this morning. Notice the tree is lightly covered with some snow.  I still have lots of leaves to rake that is under this snowfall.

It is not written in stone yet but I am thinking about creating a new blog just to cover the trip to Israel.  The whole subject and thousands of photos would be used to share the stories. My fascination of architecture and archeology would be better served on a separate blog.  I learned so much about history and the old testament.  Our tour focused on the areas of where Jesus walked verified by the Bible and evidence found in all those sites. I could then be left to be free to cover the snow storms and birds on my same creative zone.

Thank you for stopping by today.

I would tell you where the Roman column photo is but I have to get out my maps and papers to best identify it. It was a huge area uncovered in one valley including a large coliseum.


  1. We certainly went from Summer to Winter with not much in between !
    Snow flakes for the entire country it looks like, I'm not ready.
    Beautiful Christmas cactus.

  2. What a shock to have enjoyed a wonderful trip with warmer weather and then to arrive home to winter, Larry. I will be looking forward to reading any new blog you decide to start and have been "thinking" of doing the same myself, but haven't taken action yet.

  3. Your cactus is a beauty! Had to bloom before it died!! If you start another blog let me know! Stay warm, really cold up here...just bitter for this time of year!

  4. I have been reading while going back through your blog. I am enjoying it. My niece and her husband went to Israel a couple years ago.
