Monday, November 11, 2019

Veterans Day.....

I honor all veterans this day who did give up time in their lives to serve our country.  I had a bother and many uncles that were in the service.  I lost a school friend in Vietnam. Also a former childhood classmate died of the problems of bad health from being in Vietnam.  There are just too many to mention.

My dad suffered daily from his experience of being in the Battle of the Bulge.  Eighty thousand American soldiers died in the whole process to shut Hitler and his soldiers down.  I just recently learned of a new reason that my dad should have been so proud of what he had done. He and his  fellow army men crossed that river on the last bridge left standing on the German border. beginning the invasion.  My tour guide in Isreal talked of her Aunt who was released from a concentration camp because the U.S. soldiers had taken Germany.  My dad did not know that he was a part of the humanitarian rescue of thousands of people because he was there in that country. I wish now I could have told him that he was a hero and not a forgotten broken soldier. The Aunt was always grateful for what the United States had done to save her life.My dad would have cried when being being told that.

Thank you to all who are serving and have served.


  1. It's because of men and women like your father, Larry, that we can be here today on Veterans Day 2019 to enjoy the freedoms we now have. My husband is also a veteran, U.S. Navy.

  2. War was hard on so many...the old soldiers have a hard time with what they saw and did...only the horrors of war...not the good outcomes for so many. I wish they could understand how much their fighting did for so many .

  3. A very heartwarming story and yes, your dad was a hero.
