Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Day....

A Thanksgiving tradition is watching the parade/promotional sales on tv. The plane/balloon is one of my two boys grandson's favorite from the movies. I amire the table full of gourds of many colors and mum flowers.  It is just as cold there as it is here in Iowa.

There is no snow right now in our back yard but it will come. The winds have been so strong that the leaves are all blown away into someone else's yard.

It is a good day to sip coffee and stay inside. The smell of dressing and turkey is in the air.  The pie was baked yesterday so all is good for eating our meal.

The pie in the oven yesterday will be warmed up today for good eating.  Mince meat pie is a favorite tradition for us.

I shared a photo of Ella yesterday and here is the whole group in the Chicago area.

We are thankful for so many things.  Family and good health is at the top of our list.  Our walk through Israel has given us a new outlook on our lives and we are grateful to be able to do that. I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving Day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Just passed through your town this morning. Brisk and chilly, but a fine day. Happy to be back home in Wellman.

  2. Belated Happy Thanksgiving...I am a little behind! I bet you have snow by now:)
