Friday, November 29, 2019

White Friday.......

Our neighbor dog had her person out in the yard this morning.  Molly is a cattle dog and she is being taken care of by two good people.  She doesn't like to give up the ball while playing ball.

We had snow and ice on our deck this morning. The snow in the night had melted off the roofs of houses and cars but some stuff stayed frozen to the grass and deck. I carried stuff from the back of the truck to the basement.  Going down hill on the grass hill was slick.

My neighbor's spaded ground did show that we had a dusting of snow.

The lilies in the Thanksgiving bouquet are staying in bloom for a long period of time.

We did venture out this morning and it was not slick.  Traffic was heavy around the Walmart but otherwise it was not too bad.  We picked up a salad and sandwich and then stopped in at the grocery store.  It was quiet there at the time that we were there but I am sure by late afternoon it will be very busy again.  I hope all of you are well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That's a cute dog. Glad she has a good home.
    Glad the roads were not slick for your outing today.
    The lilies in the bouquet are so pretty.
    Hope you both enjoyed the salad and sandwich.

  2. It took us a long time to get Chance to drop the ball in our hand...eventually he did! Fun to see your neighbors dog:)
