Thursday, November 21, 2019


One squirrel is out and about having some breakfast.  I saw him walking the fence going by the property.  I didn't see him return but I did have my camera available. I fear for his life as my neighbor shoots everything if he thinks no one is watching.

I have had this plant for years.  I have memory problems with its name.  It hasn't bloomed at the new place so it has been just sitting there in the pot. I had it out all summer and now it is blooming after I brought it inside.  I guess I will repot it with new soil. They sell this kind of plant at grocery stores with a little ladder to  show that it is a vine.  I do have the name of it buried in my older blogs but I don't put key words on my individual blogs.
Yes, it is a mandevilla.  I should have remembered that.

I know it is time to plow my gardens when my neighbor gets his plowed.  I won't do that today though as it is cold and wet out there.  I will probably go out and mow up some leaves in the front yard to try to stay ahead of them.  The wind is blowing from the north so I can keep them in my yard. Mulching them is the only answer as I do not like to bag leaves. I did bag three loads of mums, rose bush scraps and asparagus greens.

Looking out at the backyard I still have green grass. The lawn people were here one last time and put down a lot of fertilizer. I was gone but the signs posted said that they did. I put a lot of sand on my new paver addition yesterday.  It took a lot of sand to fill the cracks and I can see that if it were dry, I could sweep some more new cracks full. It will make a huge hacienda but I do think I will add to the blocks by at least three or four tows. I will remember the process easily from laying the last thirty blocks.  It just will have to be spring when it is warm again.

A photo from the other side of the world. It is a market plaza that is west of the Temple Mount area.  It took many flights of outside stairs to get up on the hill.  As we would finish one flight we thought were were there and then the top took a turn and there was another. We bought a hamburger in the area that was a huge bun with a small flat piece of grilled hamburger.  I ended up eating the meat and only half of the bun. They offered chopped cucumber as the relish for the hamburger. I can see a slight blur on this shot but the whole feeling of it is wonderful. There were shops all along the different openings in the main floor of the buildings.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Is this a mandevilla? Pretty bloom! I am enjoying your trip photos so much. Some 40 years ago I visited Germany with my parents. Even McDonald's hamburgers were different there - I nearly starved! lol
    John found out today he will have back surgery to relieve nerve pain.

  2. I feel like I should know the name of that flower but I cannot pull it out of my mind for love nor money. Is it a Vinca vine? That just popped in.

    I like the feeling of that last shot, too.

  3. You had such a good trip and your photos are very interesting!
