Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday's Ways,,,,,,,,,,

Wednesday's morning started out looking like this.  We are to have a warm day today and I don't know if that temperature change caused this affect or not. The glow of the sun was a great color but would have been better seen with a clear horizon.

About ten minutes later things were making some real changes. The vapor trails from aircraft were woven in among the clouds.  The sun is almost hidden now from me with the neighbor's roof blocking it.

The neighbor's lab was out in the backyard.  I think sometimes he get himself in trouble and gets left out there for a long time.  It really isn't his fault that his owner let him run free up and down the front yards. I never have seen him on a leash.  I think that he takes off on him as he is a free spirit.  He is such a loyal dog as he follows his owner every where when he is mowing the yard. The lab is growing up as he is darker in color now and he has more weight on him.

I cut down all of the spent mums and then cut back the knock out roses.  I had three garbage bags of garden trash when I was done. I guess I did cut back on the peonies too clearing that so the snow will not drift. The backyard roses that are new also got clipped back along with the spent asparagus greens. 

It is to get a lot warmer this afternoon and I can spend time putting more sand in my cracks of the new paver patio. It will keep settling in all winter as it freezes and thaws.

It was fun to see flowers in bloom at the opposite side of the earth. There were not a lot of them anywhere but a few were placed in the garden area that was adjacent to the garden tomb. Lots of palms, deciduous trees and tall narrow evergreen trees were the most one would see.

I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Pretty skies. That lab is cute. We had a warmer day than usual and enjoyed a little time in our yard. Take care.

  2. I would love to see some flowers about now.

    That sky was absolutely beautiful.
