Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tile Tuesday......

Artworks created with small square tiles were masterpieces for a grand court yard. The tiles were probably smaller than a half inch square and when placed in perfect sequence they made up scenes and borders.

Before we went on our tour I too worked with squares to make decoration.  My tiles were actually 18 inches square and were very heavy.  I can't imagine as to how long it took to lay the tiles on the floors of 2000 year old buildings.

This peacock was done with great care to decorate the center of a room in a palace.  You can see the square shapes when you look at the white background.

Our entryway at the hotel in Netanya also had a special tile strip for us to enjoy.  With so much sand in the area, most hotel rooms did not have carpet. I am still sorting and editing our trip photos and it is driving me crazy.  I hope to start organizing them by each of the eight days that we were touring.

Thanks for stopping by today.