Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Another Day, Another Blog.....

A bird tracked in to see if any stray seed was in the bowl. The snow covered it but it may have found something along the edges of the tray. I don't know directions of birds prints so it could have walked in then flew away from the seed tray.

I sorted some old photos yesterday. We moved in and piles of things from the desk are safe in boxes but really haven't been sorted. I found this photo of a painting that I did on a barn door. It has to be 20 years ago that I painted it and I didn't remember having taken a photo of it. The person who paid me to do it lives about four miles from our new home. She had me paint another one earlier than this one but it was a gift for her boss. I don't think I have any photo of it.

We did find our last box of things for our village.  It was hiding right out in clear sight.  I knew that I had a couple of fireman taking a coffee break and sitting on a bench. We both had other things that we remembered that should have been out.  I think we now have everything found now.  The lights have all been installed in all but one building. I now can work on my night shots to take house pictures with the lights glowing from inside.
I bought a set of six of these ornaments recently and I do finally have them on the tree. The price was cut in half and I am sure the poor assembly person didn't paid very much for painting on them.  I am ready to take anything left and not installed back down to the basement. I have boxes of garland that I just don't feel like putting up now. I just want the boxes out of the area and gone.

We are really cold again today.  The sun is shining but that isn't making the temps move up very much. I guess winter is just here to stay now.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That is an awesome painting! Stay warm!

  2. Your painting is really nice.
    It is fun to see your ornaments. I remember how tedious putting the lights in the village is. I look forward to your photos!
