Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tuesday's Things....

Cold temperatures with gentile clouds in the sky. We didn't get a lot of snow but that which we did receive is still on the ground.  The sun did melt it off the sidewalks yesterday.

The armed guards are on duty for the season. They came upstairs yesterday as I kept going though the things yet to be discovered. We still have one box of village items that just have not shown up as I go through the storeroom.

I placed a three foot square of plywood on the oak table. It really does give my wife the ability to set up a nice village. I spent time this morning getting the lights installed in each of the buildings, houses and churches.

Three larger ones have a place of their own on a couple of end tables. One building is a barn but all three have their lights installed. It will be great to see them tonight all lighted.

We did find the stray box that we thought was lost.  I knew I had a couple of firemen sitting on a bench drinking coffee and my wife remembered another one she saw was lacking. The box was sort of sitting right out in sight hiding from us.

The younger Goofy is cute and adds to the decorations under the teddy bear tree.

It sure gets dark early and is more noticeable when its dark and it is four o"clock.  We had a furnace man doing a check up on things.  We passed with flying colors. It is a small world though as the repairman's wife works at the school where I use to work.  In fact she teaches in the same English classroom which I had substitute taught many times for four years. Also the repairman use to live just two blocks away from us in a very red house. When he said he lived there I said I did know where it is. He moved out of town a couple of years ago.

I did get a couple of wreaths put up today so I did finish up things.  Thank you for checking in today.


  1. We have not even started out Christmas Decorations yet. Perhaps next week....

  2. Your village will look wonderful in your sunroom! All your neighbors will be lookin at you!
