Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday's Findings.......

The tree that can be seen from the street has been completely decorated. I am losing track of how many that it is but I do have one last smaller tree to do with small glass blown ornaments. We had to take a break today to go buy a birthday card for our oldest son and get it into the mail. We are having good weather today but I am thinking we were told that it is going to get colder and stay colder for a long time.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Ooh, just stunning....
    I can only imagine the view from the street when the lights are twinkling inside.
    You've both done a fantastic job.

  2. That is a colorful and very nice-looking decorated tree, Larry. It makes me miss us not having a full size tree, but that would be more difficult in our smaller place now, so happy to enjoy seeing yours.
