Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday Already......

My wife is done with her teddy bear tree but i do see here once in a while rearranging things as she passes by it.

It seems early and yet Christmas is a lot closer than last year. Thanksgiving ended so much later in the month.  Our warmer weather makes it seem not winter but it is somewhat cold.

With the lights being turn on at night the sun room is like a house of mirrors with the lighted tree reflection many time in both directions.  I knew it would be fun to have it out there but the reflections sure add to its novelty.

Many empty boxes are a sign that we are getting closer to being done.  I am piling the empty ones next to the bird cage downstairs and they seem to be amused about with seeing new things. The birds like me coming and going all day long.  They do have nap times though and they don't know if anybody is around during that time.

More color and shine was bought last year after Christmas.  I just found it laying down on the shelves waiting for me to get them out and put on some one tree.  I haven't been shopping for a while but ornaments I really don't need anymore.

Thanks for stopping in today. I wish everyone to have a great day.


  1. I need to go ornament shopping! I have not bought any new ones in ages and I always love to get a few new ones.

  2. Della's teddy bear tree is a favorite of mine! Oh, I know the neighbors enjoy your tree in the sun room too. I hope you both have a pleasant evening.

  3. ohhh that tree topper in the box is beautiful!

  4. So sweet.
    I used to make a teddy bear tree, but somehow over the years, I've let it slide...
    I love looking at the whimsy of this tree.
