Monday, December 16, 2019

Monday's Moments.....

A replica of an old indent ornament brings back many memories. I am glad they are making them again. That indent decoration was so magical to me when I was a kid. Technology was not so great back in the sixties but this whole shape being blown into a mold was a real magical product.

This fish was made with more modern technology as they were able to capture the shape and texture of the fish. I am sure some poorly paid work was the one who painted on parts of the fish. I would not want to be the one who sole placed on the dots.

A hand painted ornament from Maine is a special one from our kids who live there.  Ornaments with special stories are always great for the tree.

My wife's colletion is carefully placed under her angel tree.

I preview my past blogs in December and I was surprised as to how much I miss our dog.  Barney was still with us last Christmas and I had pictures of him posted. It won't be a year in February but it seems like just yesterday that we lost him. He was such a good dog. I didn't post much the past few days but I am back up and running again.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Larry, while I have fallen behind in blog reading because of various holiday activities, it was nice to catch up on your recent blogs. I enjoyed seing your decorations and parts of the trees. We did not put up a tree this year, aside from the one in the center of our New England village. The reason for not having a tree is that the village setup takes up too much room, so next year we will have a tree instead and have talked about a live one!

  2. I looked one place for some of those ornaments but not luck...I can imagine how you miss your dog.
