Tuesday, December 17, 2019

One Batch is Shipped.....

This guy is on his way to Maine. We packed presents around him to keep him steady. It was heavy to ship as I think his feet had sand in them to make him stand up right.

The choir sings on night and day in our Christmas village park. The merry go round in the background does light up and can be made to play music when you push the right button.

The display just works better for us with the new board that I placed on the table. It isn't crowded and is displayed as if it is on a four corner square.

A shell that has traveled far from where it was found. We were visiting on top of Mt. Arbel in Israel.  I looked down next to a couple of big rocks and there it lay. We are on a high mountain and it had to be carried in with the loose soil that was spread out there. I am  not sure of its being there but I know it had to have been carried up there. It probably had an interesting story but I don't know it. The area was in a field and it could have dropped out of someone's pocket. The nearest water was the Sea of Galilee fifteen or more miles away from the tall mountain.

 Houses built on top of the tall rounded hills of Jericho make a small community.  The have camels and sheep up there and they run their own school for their children. I will share ore about this on my Israel blog but it will be in a while. I had so many photos that are sort of in order but there is so much for me to tell about them that it takes a long time.

Thank you for stopping by today. I wish you all to be well.

1 comment:

  1. Aww he's so sweet !
    Love the carolers and the merry go round, so many beautiful ornaments to gaze and wonder.
