Monday, December 9, 2019

Seeing Red and White.....

As I write this blog we are getting a snow storm.  The wind is blowing the snow sideways. It was predicted and it will accumulate to a few inches. It is winter outside and the red poinsettia stays inside to keep warm. We were given the plant as a gift from a Sunday School friend.

My wife's angel tree sparkles with white lights and white ornaments. The newer tree that is tall and thin works well for displaying them.

I stopped all blogging operations and took some photos. The camera doesn't pick up the strong lines of snow that is being blowing around and yet the background shows all of the snow. The junco has left now but he did get in on the fresh seed.  I just filled the feeders about an hour ago and it wasn't snowing then. The cold air and wind are being emphasized as a warning today here in our area.

The angel with filament lights works great at the top of the tree. This size of angel works well on the tree as it is big and gets good support from the top branches. The small ones seem to teeter back and forth.

I thank you for stopping by today. We have one more project going on for Christmas and then we will stop decorating. 


  1. The Angel tree is lovely! The storm is over here we got more snow about 5 inches I think:)

  2. Della's angel tree is breathtaking. I know the birds are thankful you filled the feeders before the snow started. Stay safe and warm.

  3. I love your wife's angel tree!
