Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tuesday's Things....

The morning son does eventually come up from behind that house. We are to have warmer days all week. The snow and ice on the deck is melting off slowly as it is in the shade most of the day.

We have decided to put our main tree out on the sun room floor this year. I carried up three boxes and began to sort things out. My wife did come and help me finish this all.  I had trouble sorting out the size and colors of the longer branches as the color paper stickers were falling off of the individual limbs and also the maim pole.

After lunch we ganged up on it and got it all put together.  The three boxes are already taken down stairs to storage. The lights and ornaments will come about in the next two days.  It is an older fake tree and it has worked well for us a lot of years. It doesn't have holes to see through once all the lights and ornaments are placed on it.

An interesting magazine that I picked up yesterday covers all the underground sites in Jerusalem. We did walk one of the caves next to the Temple Mount wall, built by King Solomon. The magazine shared that the cave we walked along was longer that the Empire State Building laid on its side. I will share a photo so you can relate to this story.

These stones were put in place three thousand years ago to make the foundation of the Temple Mount. We did walk for a very long time before we ended up on the far north side of the Mount. Politically the Muslims complain that they opened it up under the Muslim sector of the city and for a while they fought the Jewish people from sharing it. It was in 2009 that they gave up the fight.  It ends at an end of the foundation and into cisterns.  We then  took a few flights of stairs up to be ground level of the north side of the Mount. We did get to safely, walkig through the area to head south and out. Some things just get to be too ridiculous.

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope everyone is well today.


  1. Glad the tree was assembled with the two of you working on it. We have never had a large one, only tabletop ones after we stopped buying live trees, which we both miss. But living in an apt now, management strongly discourages them, although from the trail of pine needles in the halls after Christmas, people still get them and so could we, but due to holiday travel it's best we don't get one...maybe in a few years.

  2. I am half planning to get out tree out tonight...it is very thin and can see right through it. BUT, the box fits in my closet upstairs and I don't have to struggle bringing everything up from the basement so I am living with it. and can fill the holes with ornaments.

  3. Our tree is in the corner and has one row of branches on it...a work in progress. Your tree will look great in your new sunroom:)
