Monday, December 2, 2019

Quick Post Pro...

It is so great to get outside today on cyber Monday. We went to a bookstore where it was not busy. I like viewing the things that they pull out to market to people during December.  I did buy that National Geographic magazine

I turned and snapped this display of wonderful chocolate candy in boxes with ribbons.

I did run into two of my former students from twelve or more years ago.  They married and have a seven and ten year old. He is very tall and she is short. They were wonderful kids when young. They were buying books for Christmas gifts.

We didn't warm up as much as was predicted but it was not so cold.  I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. What was the mural on the wall all about? Looks like a fancy coffee shop. We had -7 this morning :(

  2. How nice to visit when the crowds were not bad and to enjoy running into former students. The candy displays are tempting this time of year! Enjoy your magazine.

  3. We didn't go out anywhere either on Black Friday or Cyber Monday and didn't do any online shopping. Nice that your former students were out buying books for their children.
