Thursday, January 16, 2020

Arctic Zone.....

Looking through the door of the sun room the sun shines over the neighbor's house. I didn't step out on the deck to get the shot for a better picture because of the snowdrift and it is - 3 degrees F. The house was  making noises through the night telling us that it was really cold out there.  A sixteen year old house has a lot of years to expand and contract under extreme weather conditions. I took the recycle bin out to the curb later this morning and it is very cold out there.

Taking the shot through screen wiring you can see the long shadow on the snow of the birdbath. I miss spring and summer already and we just got started with this winter business.
This flower in exile does look good from the top view.  It has lost most of its leaves.  In the sliding glass door window downstairs, it will do well there.  It is cooler and I water them a little less. I still have my poinsettia from two years ago.  I grew some red leaves last winter but this winter it is just green.

I bought this plant a year ago and I still haven't repotted it. If I can get it into a nicer container I could bring it upstairs. That would be a good winter project. Sansevieria  is the name of the plant. It isn't as tall as a mother-in-law's tongue.

The guys are planning to not starve this winter. I have two of them and they take turns all afternoon feeding.  The squirrels are not  out there all the time and I see birds flitter in and out of the  spruce tree to get some seed. I think it is too cold for them to venture out of their trees this morning.

When I feed my cockatiels in the morning, I change their used seed in their tray to new seed. I am now throwing the used, leftover seed out on the patio to let the birds pick through it. I saw a morning dove yesterday afternoon doing just that.

Squirrels can be discouraging as the hog the food tray, but they know how to pose for the camera so I won't shoo them away. They like to travel to and from our place by walking along the top of all the neighbor's fences.  I don't know if they hold up in the big tree to the north of us or if they go over a couple of blocks to the street that is lined with big trees.  That street was the early development where the 1960's and 70's ranches are all built.  Their trees are all mature now.

It is too cold to really venture out any where. We don't feel cooped in as we did get a lot of groceries yesterday.  We are stocked up with lots to eat.  It looks like the whole United States is going to be effected by this arctic blast one time or another.  Everyone take care.  Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larry, I did not mean to be sarcastic about your snow was just an observation! We are cold here too and expect it will warm up Friday before the storm. Stay warm! I see your squirrels are well fed...we have some well fed ones too.:)
