Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Middle of the Week......

A part of my work load yesterday was to carry downstairs all plants that looked sickly. Some of them are bad enough that I may throw the plant away and get a new one for the pot. I had violets that took a hit from bad care from me so they went downstairs to a different bigger window. I won't over water them there.

The last of my things to get downstairs await for me to do it. I like to leave things at the top of the stairs and when I run down to do something I take a load with me. It should be cleared by the end of the day. The clearing of the villages in the sunroom meant a lot of trips taken down already.

Evidence of the take down of the village is shown here. It is nice to sit out there at the table to work on things.

Will I blog right now I discovered that I have a second squirrel feeding today. The one squirrel is larger so they don't feed at the same time. The larger guy shakes his tail to warn the other to stay  away from the feeder,  I bought a new bag of bird seed yesterday and I can now I know I will needed. I am still not getting cardinals any time of the day.

The newer visitor is a regular acrobat, crawling all over the feeder and railing. If I think they are eating way to much I can scare them away quite easily by walking up to the window.

We missed the freezing rain last night and also the snow.  It is north of us a few miles though and schools were delayed this morning.  Thanks for checking in on my post today.


  1. I tend to leave things at the top of the stairs until I can make one trip, just like you :)
    Our houses always look so bare after taking down the decorations, I like to leave a few colorful things around, twinkling lights, and a colorful tablecloth just to brighten up winter days.
    That's one cheeky squirrel !

  2. I do the same thing taking stuff upstairs I set stuff on the steps and grab it as I go up! I have open steps so it works well for me! Your table is so pretty there in your sunroom. Stay warm!

  3. That table looks like the perfect place to sit and do things, have a cup of coffee, or just view. I know my mom used to move her violets from one window to another for different light.
