Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 1, After the Birthday......

The Thursday evening sky was wonderful.  I looked out from behind the house and thought I could see a special light was showing at the front of the house.  Our morning was a sunny one with medium temperatures. Then it started to rain for the rest of the day.

I put out my finch feeder yesterday as I did see a flash of yellow go by in the back yard.  I haven't seen any goldfinches yet but I am hoping the new sock feeder will bring them in. I have not seen any female cardinals lately. I see by my archive that I had seen a female at the first week of the month. The house finches are really singing out there at this time. I don't know if they have to find new and different mates each year or not.

I was out to do a couple of errands today.  The drive up bank thing works ok but I would rather walk inside.  The post office is a strange experience.  The counters are set up with vertical plastic panels to keep the customers from breathing onto the post office worker. You hand your items around the shield and the worker has gloves and mask on to protect them.  It really is vacant there with two customers.  What I was sending was important and it needed to have exact postage or more so it won't return to me.

 The grocery store was busy but not too busy.  It did take a while though as I was following a list and had to keep returning to the opposite side of the store.  No toilet paper and six or seven square boxes of kleenex. After paying for my cart full I decided to go to the other grocery store.  They were selling a smooth paper towel in their toilet paper area.  I always keep that item in stock with extra numbers all of the time so we are not out of the product. In another week we will have to drive around to other stores, I didn't try Wally World as it would be full of germs.

We ordered out Italian food for my birthday and we will be eating the rest of that for supper tonight. I bought each of us a piece of fried chicken to go with that.  I have red velvet cake for dessert again tonight.  It is a strange time we are living in and its hard to know when all will be over. We add 20 people or more every day to our counts. It would be nice to have that to start reducing but I bet a lot of people have been carriers for a longer time and just haven't been tested. I hope all of you are staying safe out there.  Thanks for checking in......


  1. I was wondering what the post office was doing and banks. Our bank is drive through only. Glad you had a good birthday! :)
