Saturday, March 28, 2020

A Shut In Satruday......

Our son sent us the newest shot of our grand daughter.  She is crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on everything. She has those two brothers running around all over and I think she will soon be following them. The kids are enjoying the family of five being locked in but I bet they adults take turns on the caring of them.  Andy and Patricia are both working at home weekdays. I am sure there is some interruption. I have a cute photo of the second grandson singing to us but I have yet to find it and move it through the network.

More rhubarb for cobbler. The tulips are now coming up in this same area of the garden. I should be seeing asparagus coming up soon.

The daffodils oar coming up and will be blooming soon. I others planted elsewhere but I seem to keep forgetting as to where the bulbs are planted.

My red knock out rose survived.  I planted it late in the fall and buried it with lots of purchased black soil.  I am betting that the black is actually a dye as true Iowa black top soil has a richer, black, different color than this.

I still need to put a varnish sealer on the stairs and deck. I do need some warm days. The grass is actually that green. My trugreen really do help me out.  I am wondering if I will have to hire it to be mowed.  We will see.

It is still in progress.  I had some problems with the finish but I think I will pull it off.  I had an older can of clear varnish that had dried out on top. I found that the crust much have been the ingredient that caused the finish to dry and harden.  It did not dry well.  So I put a walnut stain sealer on it and it is drying.  It ended up darker than I wanted but I do think it will work. I have gotten into messes before where I had to strip off the finish and start again. I think I will be good with this. I flipped it this morning and put a coat on the two shelves I couldn't get to because everything was wet.  The next time I show this, it will be all assembled. I don't have a clue as to where I will hang it. I will display special antique things in it.

Our numbers of virus people increased by 64 just in one day. The test is more available and those with symptoms hopefully can get tested. There was one person who was refused to be tested and waited a few days until someone finally listened to her. She had it. As those numbers increase each day I know we won't be getting out anytime soon.

Thanks for stopping by today. Stay safe.


  1. Ella is on the move! Her brothers are in for some trouble now! Good that they can work from home. Your projects are coming along and you look like you have Spring. I just came in from cleaning up the garage floor from winter yuck. Supposed to be 50 but I don't believe it:)

  2. Our grass is still just looking light brown.

  3. Nice to see an updated photo of Ella. She looks like a real charmer and sure she and her brothers are keeping their parents busier than usual under the circumstances.
