Friday, March 6, 2020

Final Day of the Week .......

Bright sunshine is out there with the deck reflecting all of the light and shadows.  I see I was too lazy to open the door to get a clearer view.  I guess I wasn't so sure that it would be a good shot.

When we returned from our trip to Israel in early November this cactus was in bloom. It had red buds on it for about two months.  I guess when we left and I let it get dry that it did bloom.  I did see buds on this after the Thanksgiving bloom but didn't expect it to do it again. I have had tis plant for a while but would have to look back on my blogs to see how old that it is.

The jade plant has really flourished sitting there next to the window and hear vent.  It is actually shiny as if it has been in a greenhouse for a while. I do think I over water it so the past months of neglect has caused it to be happy.  I broke a piece off of this by accident and it is doing well enough in the downstairs window to come upstairs now.

I added more water to my birdbath.  When it finally thawed out it was being visited a lot by the birds.  Now the last few days has helped to evaporate it. I was out looking at my trails made by my voles and I see that they came from on garden area not next to the house. It looked like they had been burrowed under and electric circuit box.  I will have to fill in dirt as the voles ate on the grass that was under the snow and also moved dirt away to make the burrow.  My neighbor said that he believed our yards were not frozen over enough that they could work under the large snow banks.  I did notice the voles tried to travel through the stepping stones area and they did stop them.  The backed out of the area and headed further north.

A junco did check out the feeder yesterday.  They have not been very interested in the feeder. I haven't seen feeding from it most of the winter.

Going on a grocery run this morning. I may bring back some McDonald's sandwiches and a couple of shakes too. It is crowded at noon bu I can figure it out.  McDonald's built in a place where it is difficult for cars to drive into their lot.  I thought they would have thought it out but it has a major grocery store the exits opposite.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Have a good day.


  1. Boy, that's a sunny looking deck! Ours still has a foot of snow on it.

  2. Isn't it wonderful to be seeing the sun again????

    The juncos here seem to like to eat off the ground. I always throw a 2 or 3 cups of birdseed under the feeders for them and the doves and the squirrels. Plus others, but I really feel like juncos and doves prefer it.
