Saturday, March 7, 2020

Saturday's Showing........

I haven't had a chance to see this because of the clouds.  Then when it has warmed up a little I can now take a shot. The extreme cold just kept me from even trying when I was seeing others taking moon shots. It is a day moon and I was out on the deck grilling some burgers.  I could stand out of the wind and lean against the house to get the shot. I wore a sweat shirt to keep warm.

While I was out on the deck this guy was watching me. I zoomed in on him and he was busy looking over the territory. I can't tell if he is the same smaller one that I had on my deck earlier in the week. The sparrows and house finches emptied my hanging feeder quickly the past few days. I have been seeing robins since last weekends but the juncos must be moving north already.  It is too cold for them up there but I guess it probably is the light change that makes them migrate.

Evidence of the robins is this one bad picture that I caught this morning. You can just barely imagine the orange on the front of it. I have seen a lot of good shots of them but the camera was not with me at the times. When the gold finches start to turn yellow I will know that spring is on its way.

The very last spot of snow still on the ground is here.  It is shaded by the new deck and staircase. We do have a possibility of snow again soon.  It is March and the weather is crazy windy all month.

We are still healing up from our coughing flu that we started weeks ago. I am better and stronger. The funeral we attended set my wife back.  We stood at a sun-filled cemetery but the wind was blowing up the dell. We are home and not at the bookstore today.  I hope everyone is done well out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hope Della will perk up soon. She has been sick for a while. WE hope to stay well the rest of the winter:)

  2. Forgot to tell you I returned a forgotten old photo to a gal in Woodward she lives on Cherry Ave . I asked if she knew you and she said no but her grandparent probably did, The photo I returned was of Bonnie Bittner I will write the Full Circle post on the Forgottens soon :)

  3. Hope that you both will be feeling better soon, Larry. We are keeping away from crowded places. Windy weather has been here for the past week and at times we can hear this old mill building creaking.

  4. I hate for your wife to still be feeling bad...I know someone that cannot get rid of it either.

    Awesome moon shot!
