Sunday, March 1, 2020

First of March.....

The earth has been tilting back.  The sun was behind that roof of the neighbor's house and you can see it is not in that location now. The sun was so bright that I could not see the jet lines in the sky when I shot the photo.

It was a surprise to see the cardinals out the window this morning. I guess it is about the time to see them but I haven't had any of them there at the feeder all winter.

It was a bout a half hour later that the male cardinal did show up at the feeder. He was skididish and I didn't get a shot of him out there digging for sunflower seeds.

Then he returned so that I could get this one shot of his red feathers.
My last photo for the day is this landscape with a ghost bird.  I saw one of these in my birdbath yesterday and was surprised.  So today my camera decided to focus on the two neighbors' houses.  I bet you know what kind of bird that it is.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Camera auto-focus sometimes does unexpected things!

  2. I liked the robin ghost bird, Larry, and looks like although the weather may be gloomy the birds are at the feeders. Seeing that robin gives hope that spring may be on its way soon.
