Monday, March 2, 2020

Monday Moments......

House finches are busy eating  right now.  I missed them all winter but they are out there now.

This is a twisted back view of the same bird.  It was busy watching for invaders coming at it to eat at the tray.

I still have the female cardinal coming it to eat.  The male must have found a better feeder to visit.  The birds were so busy eating this morning and now everybody is gone.

The female house finch really does not have a spot of red on it. The male and female really don't look like they belong together. I usually have to look closely to see which kind of birth that it is.  The pattern on the chest always gives it away.

The cardinal always has this streamlined design looking like an aircraft. I will be interested to see if another pair of cardinals will show up this year.

The snow continues to melt. Snow that is in the shade really isn't leaving quickly.  My neighbor has very little snow as his backyard is in the sum for a long time.

We are moving slow around here today.  I worked on my project this morning but I still have one more coat to do, on both sides.  I hope every one is doing well. We are almost over the virus that went around but its effects really do hang on.   Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Always lovely to see the birds returning to the feeders.
    Our Carolina Wrens have been busy stealing the moss from my porch wreath, feathering their own nests :)
    Your raised beds look splendid !

  2. Your backyard is looking like spring!

  3. They are all so pretty. Love the House Finch shots...

  4. I see more grass on your photos all the time:)
