Monday, March 16, 2020

Make Cake....

When you feel a little bit shut-in why don't you just make cake.  It is a French vanilla flavored cake with that great chocolate frosting. Four pieces of the cake have been eaten by now. It is a good cake.

I first saw the deck was wet and then I looke out to see that the birdbath had water in it.  There wasn't any in it yesterday. I had been putting water in it once it had thawed out but now we are in a dry spell that is until the past evening.

The daffodil bouquet is most gond today.  They have a short life span after they have picked. I sorted out the bad ones this morning and will have to keep removing the spent flowers.  They are a delicate flower that really doesn't work as a good cut flower. I always tell the story of the daffodils down on our farm when I was a kid, which came up every spring among the grass and weeds.  The former owners of the farmer had them planted out by the pump of the well.  They seem so magical when I would go out and pump water in the spring.

The birds are pretty happy with out weather.  They are still happy to get some free food on the deck. I need to get some more sunflower seeds to draw the cardinals back into the yard.

Both of the kids have now checked in on their older parents. It was good to hear from them. We seem to be safe and well.  I have a bunch of quick places that I could get food if I want to avoid people.  We will just stay hunkered down.  Everyone stay safe out there. 


  1. Yes cake is a good solution! I told my husband, he is very uneasy about the whole situation! Stay well! :)

  2. We are safe as well here in NH and there are lots of closings, cancellations etc.
