Tuesday, March 17, 2020

St, Patrick's Day.....

I am told that this is St. Patrick's Day. I will share my own shamrocks today.  They were a little dry so I put some water on them after I took the shot. Scanning through my family tree on my maternal grandmother's side there was an Irish man that married into the family along the way. My wife's Grandpa Cone has a direct link through the New York City cones back to Ireland.

I wandered around the lot today to see what was up.  The old cemetery iris is up and doing well. There were not a lot of them up but I am sure they will soon follow. Some water grass was up too reminding me of the need to clean out the iris bed of grass and weeds.  I looked at the vole damage on the yard.  I will be out there soon filling in some dirt into those burrows. It looks really bad and I don't think that I can not fill it with some dirt.

I have seen robins for a couple of weeks but they didn't seem to be around when I had my camera. The males are here and I am sure the females will arrive in another week. While I was out shooting I could hear the song of the house finch. I don't hear that very often but I am sure they are mating and getting ready to make nest.

This was my pleasant surprise yesterday as I put up the flag at the front door. It funny how I had forgotten that I was the one who planted them a couple of years ago.

These were planted by a previous owner. It is a good planting throughout the area. They can be a nice flower to have, crocus, unless we get an ice storm and the ground is covered with snow.  We are to get snow in a few days.

When I first started teaching in Sidney, Iowa back in 1972,  I made friends with a woman named Cleva Williams. A couple of years while teaching there, Cleva's mother passed away leaving her a huge, three story house full of old furniture. She gave me some of the things as it helped her clear the house. I was given the piano stool.  Then life happens and I now, just now, am getting it ready to use. I guess the calculator says its been 43 years or more.  I do feel good about working on it.  Cleva did pass away about 15 years ago and she is buried in a cemetery in Coin, Iowa.

I don't like to paint on old wooden pieces but this one was not made with a very good wood.  I assume that a good hardwood wasn't used as they had so much carving to do with the wood. I will share more about it as I still don't have the claw feet and glass ball cleaned up.

My oldest son also is contributing to the cause with his work.  He shared last night that his business that he works for, had him working with a crew develop a new web site program.  The web site is created for any and all doctors at hospitals in the country. They can get on to it to share what they are doing. They can talk to each other and also ask questions of each hospitals successes.  It is like a giant blog or facebook type site to give all medical staffs to work together and share any discoveries.

We are home and will stay there for two to three days when the milk runs out.  I hope all is well with you.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. What a wonderful stool with the glass balls and claws!! I have seen those. Looks like a good project to keep you out of trouble! We are okay up here sunny today and that helps! :)
