Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Project Obsession.....

Waiting for tulips. Not buds are showing at this time but they do like to come up with a bang. I don't have any new varieties to watch for this year as I didn't plant any last fall.

 I do need to dig out my weed killer. It seems to be pretty healthy growing there is the rock bed. My lawn has had its first treatment already but I don't think there was any weed killer in it.
I had a lot of loose sand on the tiles hoping the rain and snow would help setting it into the cracks.  I swept it yesterday afternoon and most all of the extra sand did end up in the cracks.  The area isn't quite done but I time this summer to work on it. I just noticed that the photo was taken a few days earlier and the sweeping had not been done.
I did finally find an antique mediine chest just like this on the etsy sight.  It too was made of walnut and had the same rough wood backing on it. It had a door on the front of it with a glass in it.

The backing wood was in bad shape and looks like this.  It has split and warped. I have decided to not be the true antique guy and will just throw this away. It does look just like the one on then net that I found. The wood is clunky and they too did paint the entire inside of the cabinet with a powder white paint.
I had wainscotting boards leftover from the old place. I actually moved them to the new place and I am so glad that I did. It only took one of the boards to make a new and better backing for the piece.

Here is a  t rial fitting of the strips of wood.  I did glue them at its connections once I knew I had a good fit. While looking through the net I did find some cupboards made with this kind of wood.

It goes well with the walnut wood. That center shelf I will take the power sander and work it over with a lot of sanding.

I am going to wait one more day before I start putting finishes on it. I am going to do that before I decide what kind of door that would look nice on it.

Another day of clouds of us and it is just a tad warmer.  I worked out on the patio with the miter saw with out a coat.  I should have had one more shirt on top of the one shirt but I didn't stay out there too long.

I am sneaking in another birthday tomorrow.  I am not top anxious to hit a major number but I have found I can't stop any of it. I do feel my age which bothers me because I just don't have the strength that I use to have.  I am an old farm boy who hasn't made hay for a long time. I will not whine too much but will glad to be alive.  Thanks for stopping by today. Be safe for sure. 


  1. Happy Birthday, in case I miss you tomorrow. Youth is wasted on the young. Enjoy all that wisdom and stuff; Although it does not help your body much....

  2. Happy Birthday a day in advance, Larry. These are unusual times and so it's not unusual for us of a certain age to start "feeling our age." Just remember that you are only as old as you think you are not. And, why not?

  3. Your Tulips are way ahead of ours! Lots of interesting woodworking.

  4. You will have tulip flowers soon! Your wood project looks great! I had one that was not as heavy duty as yours...for the mirror they took a frame and covered a was rustic looking:) Hope you have an extra special birthday!
