Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday's Twitter Bird......

It was a surprise to see him out there but I did get some shots of him. He doesn't seem interested in my sunflower seeds that I put our for him. You can see that the tree is budding.

The neighbor's day lilies are coming up neatly among the rocks. My flower beds aren't that cleared so I will see mine up later as they get to be taller.

The chives are up and I will be cutting some for baked potatoes tonight. It is fun to see this is up and winter really is gone.

This whole area is pretty much asleep.  I suspect that the holly hocks will be showing up soon and the iris will be shooting up too.

What can I say about this.  It seem futile at first an then things start to turn around seeing them stronger and ready to be moved into bigger pots.
You know it is truly spring when your neighbor dog returs home from wintering in Arizona.  She is a blurry shot but she really wanted to see me.  The guy on the leash was trying to stay away from me. We are really cold today and I wonder why they came back to Iowa weather.

We have a few runners in our neighborhood. I almost missed the shot as he was running fast.
More people are out walking their dogs now, lots of joggers, and kids with skooers are all out there this week

We are fine.  The numbers of people with the virus increased again today by over twenty. Our home bound lifestyle is getting to be fine but we still would like to get out.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Dogs don't know about social distancing:) Good to hear you are still safe!

  2. Hopefully the Jogging is not as dangerous as going to our store. A little fresh air and "Dog Bonding Time' is good for the soul.
