Sunday, March 22, 2020


It is late afternoon and we have snow.  It isn't a big deal and we are too warm to accumulate.  I guess it is something to do by watching the weather.

Parts from the project.  It is the backing of the cupboard.  Sadly the thing sat in a barn by an open window. The one piece of the backing got wet an it is warped.  I know how to fix that by cutting it into vertical strips.  I am thinking that it could have a better kind of wood for backing to go with the walnut frame. I work with this and I keep thinking that this was made as a shop project many years ago because of the way things were cut and assembled. Painting the inside of it all white looks like a thing a home builder might do back then.

The use of walnut seems to be an unusual choice of wood for the cabinet makes me think it was a shop project.  I still think the front door of it was originally holding a mirror.

One of the next projects that I could start but it will be awhile.

We recieved on the internet this day a wonderful movie of our grand daughter who is now crawling.  She is moving all over the floor and has a large smile on her face.  It is such a joy for her to be more independent. If she grows up like her next brother up, she will run in circles for hours at a time and just love doing so.

The mayor of Des Moines declared a stricter shutdown for out area.  It is another 14 days added to whatever we were doing before now. As the numbers show we are growing in cases about 25 a day in our state. The largest numbers are around the Iowa City area because they had a tour group come back from Egypt. Fourteen of that group were infected. The second larges area is our county but the numbers are scattered through out the state.  The spring break people who were not living in reality are now all back and I do hope they are at homes locked down.

We are safe.  We haven't done anything to infect us except for my grocery run last week. We will make that batch last for two weeks. I can go early in the morning for more groceries at a special hour for old people.  It means there won't be many people in that very large store.  I am hope all my blogging friends are doing ok. Thanks for checking in today.


  1. Don't want to see any more of that white stuff!

  2. Yep! With Plenty of snow here now. I would say at least an inch! The entire ground and my car are covered! Fingers crossed it is gone by tomorrow.

  3. Hi Larry, We are doing okay. Stay safe! It snowed here too:)
